• Operations App Compilation
  • Operations App Compilation
  • Operations App Compilation
  • Operations App Compilation




2021 - 2022



TRAC Operations App Redesign aimed to create an efficient and user-friendly tool for ground-level maintenance of a micromobility fleet. This project, closely linked with the TRAC Dashboard, focuses on empowering operators with essential functionalities such as vehicle location, task completion, maintenance, specification adjustments, report generation, and profile management.


The primary goal was to streamline micromobility fleet management by providing operators with comprehensive tools for various tasks, ensuring the application is both cohesive and user-friendly.

Planning and Requirements Gathering

In the planning phase, I collaborated with stakeholders and programmers to understand the essential requirements for fleet maintenance. We used agile methodologies to gather and prioritise requirements through iterative sprints, ensuring a thorough understanding of operator needs and a focus on high-impact features.

Discovery and Research

The discovery phase was crucial for setting the foundation of the redesign:

  • Needs Analysis: Evaluated the essential requirements for ground-level maintenance, focusing on key functionalities like vehicle location and task management.

  • User Research: Conducted thorough research to understand operator needs and preferences, emphasising usability and operational efficiency.

  • Feature Specification: Identified and prioritised crucial features such as vehicle tracking, maintenance tasks, specification adjustments, report generation, and profile management.

  • Initial Design Concept: Developed an initial design concept to ensure that the layout and user interface aligned with identified features and operator requirements.

Data Collection and Analysis

Data collection and analysis were integral to the redesign process:

  • Discovery Findings: Compiled and analysed data from the discovery phase, ensuring the UI/UX design aligned with operator needs.

  • User Feedback: Gathered insights from operators to understand their challenges and preferences, guiding design decisions.

  • Competitor Analysis: Compared the app’s features with those of competing solutions to identify opportunities for improvement.

Design Process and Implementation

The design process was iterative, involving continuous refinement based on feedback:

  • Drafting Initial Designs: Created initial UI/UX design drafts, incorporating essential functionalities in a user-centric interface.

  • Prototype Development: Built a functional prototype using Figma, integrating prioritised features and design elements from the initial drafts.

  • Internal Testing and Feedback: Conducted internal testing to gather feedback on the prototype, assessing usability and identifying areas for improvement.

  • Refinement and Finalisation: Refined the prototype based on feedback, iterating on the design to ensure it met the usability and functionality requirements established in the discovery phase.

Challenges and Solutions

Integrating various features into a cohesive and user-friendly application was a significant challenge. Through continuous testing and iteration, we addressed usability issues and ensured the application was intuitive for operators, enhancing both functionality and user experience.


The redesigned Operations App offers seamless and efficient fleet management capabilities. It significantly improves operational productivity and user experience, providing operators with a robust tool for managing micromobility services

Learning & Growth

Working on this project independently, yet collaboratively with programmers, enhanced my skills in UI/UX design and agile methodologies. It provided valuable experience in integrating advanced functionalities into a user-centric design, addressing complex design challenges, and refining the product based on iterative feedback.


The TRAC Operations App redesign project was a rewarding endeavour that expanded my expertise in designing user-friendly applications. It highlighted the importance of combining user needs with modern design principles and agile methodologies. This project significantly contributed to my professional growth, deepening my understanding of user-centric design and operational efficiency.

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© JACK PARKES - rights reserved.

© JACK PARKES - rights reserved.