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  • App Compilation
  • App Compilation
  • App Compilation


Personal Project


2022 - 2023



Microsoft Translator Redesign aimed to modernise the app by updating its old Metro design to Microsoft’s latest Fluent design system. The project focused on improving user experience, making the app more appealing, and boosting usage.


The objective was to refine the Microsoft Translator app’s user experience, making it simpler and more efficient for users to manage its features and functions.

Planning and Requirements Gathering

I began with a thorough planning phase, brainstorming innovative features and improvements for the app. This was followed by competitor analysis to understand market trends and key design elements. Developing personas and user journeys helped me envision the needs and behaviours of the target audience. Additionally, I explored the Fluent design system to see how it could best enhance the app.

Discovery and Research

The discovery phase involved several key activities to set a strong foundation for the redesign.

Brainstorming Sessions: Generated ideas for new features and improvements.

Competitor Analysis: Reviewed leading translation apps to identify trends and areas for improvement.

Personas and User Journeys: Created based on existing product insights to guide the design.

Exploring Fluent Design: Investigated how Fluent design could be applied effectively to the app.

Data Collection and Analysis

To inform the redesign, I collected and analysed various types of data. Usage analytics provided insights into how users interacted with the existing app, highlighting common actions and pain points. Analysing user feedback helped me understand user needs and frustrations. I also used insights from industry reports to guide design choices and compared the app’s features with those of competitors to identify opportunities for enhancement.

Design Process and Decisions

The design process was iterative and involved several stages.

Wireframe Development: Created wireframes to plan the app’s layout and interactions, aiming for a more intuitive user experience.

Content Architecture: Structured the app’s information and navigation to enhance usability and clarity.

Branding: Developed new branding using Fluent design components, including light and dark themes to meet user preferences.

Feature Development: Selected and refined key features based on user needs and technical feasibility.

Prototype Construction: Built high-fidelity prototypes for iterative testing and refinement, incorporating feedback to perfect the design.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the main challenges was integrating advanced translation technology with a user-friendly design while ensuring accessibility for a global audience. I addressed this by continuously testing and refining the interface based on user feedback, striving to keep the app intuitive and easy to use.]


The redesign successfully modernised the app, improving its usability and aligning it with current design trends. The introduction of new features and enhancements has made the app more user-friendly and appealing, leading to increased user satisfaction.

Learning & Growth

Designing this project alone provided valuable experience in applying modern design systems and methodologies. It enhanced my ability to integrate advanced features into a user-centric design and improved my skills in managing complex design challenges.


The Microsoft Translator redesign project was both challenging and rewarding. It offered deep insights into combining contemporary design trends with practical functionality, demonstrating the effectiveness of agile methodologies. This project marked a significant step in my professional development, broadening my expertise in UI/UX design and enhancing my ability to address diverse user needs.

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© JACK PARKES - rights reserved.

© JACK PARKES - rights reserved.